Interview with Nicolle Vaughn

We're excited to welcome Nicolle to SthenoType! Whether bringing a unique spin to romance in her Shawl series or working on poetry, her work is sure to grab your attention. We wanted to get to know her a bit better, so we asked her a few questions. 

What's on your 2024 reading list? 

I have been continually reading Leaves of Grass by the great Walt Whitman for the last twenty years. I love how two hundred years separate us and yet his thoughts and words and feelings still mirror the relevance in a single day. That book will be on my reading list every single year until I die.

What inspires you to write? 

Writing is therapy. Getting the thoughts out into words and then into ink on paper makes them no longer belong to just me anymore. Takes the heaviness away. 

If you could travel to any fantasy world, what would it be, and what would you do? 

I would go to Middle Earth, from Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, build a Hobbit house in the shire and get myself one of those huge flying birds to domesticate. 

How does it feel to get your first (published) book out into the world? 

Relieving, exciting, and terrifying. Having my thoughts and words out there to share makes me blush a little to think about. 

What else should we know about you? 

Welcome to my inner madness! I believe anyone who reads my books will need an open mind…Just please, only dip your toes into the waters, no diving.